Case Study: Game Plan Career 2.0

Product Design, UX Design, Project Management
Project Overview
Game Plan wanted to build off of the successful implementation of Insights 2.0 and bring additional functionality to high-value Game Plan Career clients. The hope was to grow the Game Plan business model to include different businesses that might want to hire athletes.
My Contributions
  • Product and UX Design
  • Write Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Document
  • Product Management
  • Testing and Prototyping


To reformat the Career feature of the Game Plan app to match the functionality of Insights 2.0, and add the ability for employers to generate qualified leads for their job listings.

Challenges and Solutions

Challenge: capture limited attention

When we started working on this project, we knew we wanted the Careers side of our application to be much more engaging to athletes. The focus of this feature was on expanding what companies could do to capture the attention of busy Student-Athletes.

solution: Linkedin meets youtube

I created a design that used the same framework as Insights 2.0 to give companies that wanted to hire Game Plan Athletes a better opportunity to capture their attention.

Challenge: making space

One of the things we knew we needed to change from Insights to Career was how Career Channels were featured on the Career page vs how Insights Channels were displayed on the Insights page. We wanted to give more companies equal space on the main Career page.

solution: Let the logo shine

We moved to a grid design that featured more logos at once. This made the Career page more eye-catching with bright colors and would be easy to explain to companies where their brand would be placed.

Challenge: Introduce and sell game plan to corporate sponsors

After having to sell Insights 2.0 to people within Game Plan and to people outside the company, I understood how this feature worked and so did the rest of our team. The challenge that arose was explaining Game Plan to our corporate sponsors. Most of the time, other Game Plan co-workers and I were on a call with people who had no idea what Game Plan was, or how it worked. We needed an interactive solution to demo the capability of Game Plan Careers to corporate sponsors.

solution: Interactive user journey

Each time we met with a new corporate partner, I used Adobe Xd to create an interactive "User Journey" so the client, or potential client, could understand exactly how their brand was going to be growing with Game Plan and how we could generate qualified leads for their job openings.


A product that helped connect athletes and employers.

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